Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pivotal Point?

So here's the thing guys...I have two, yes TWO projects due for next week, both of which are groups projects which I really, really, have to do, or suffer severe bodily harm. So, for this week at least, I may not be able to put up posts as regularly as I used to. So don't feel as if I've given up on the blog...I've just taken a little time off.

I also realized that I missed Wednesday's post, which was supposed to be a novel excerpt and I decided to give one here instead. This is supposedly the a pivotal scene in my novel, and I wanted to know what you guys think about it. Now, this is only Seth's point of view and it's not even the whole thing, because that would be too long. Maybe I'd post up the rest of it next week. Please gimme some feedback either here or on the Facbook page. I'd greatly appreciate it.

They walked again in silence until Emily said “That’s the sorority where I stay.”
A wave of relief swept over Seth, happy that the disastrous journey was over and that he could now go sulk in a corner and chastise himself. “Oh crap.” Emily said, her voice suddenly grave. For a horrifying instant, Seth wondered if he had just said what he was thinking out loud. His blood turned to ice in his veins and he turned to face her. But Emily was looking past him to the sorority yard. He turned to see a girl picking up random scattered objects on the lawn. He didn’t see what was so shocking about that. “Someone threw all of Cassie’s stuff out.” She said.
Seth’s thawing blood refroze. “Did you just say Cassie?”
“Yeah, Cassie. She’s one of the girls staying in the sorority. Apparently she’s a lesbian and she hit on one of the other girls. I guess that’s why they threw her stuff out.” Emily shook her head. “Sorority drama. Well, bye Seth. See you next week.”
Seth managed to crack a smile and replied. “Yeah, next week Emily.” She turned and walked up to the sorority door, carefully going around Cassie, making sure that she didn’t get anywhere near to her. Seth stood there for a second, staring at Cassie as she angrily stomped around the yard picking her things up. He would have merely shaken his head and walked off, but then he saw something that cemented him to the spot. As Cassie turned in his direction, he got a good look at her face. Her eyes were blood red and large tears streamed down her cheeks. Memories hit him like a ton of bricks. Memories of a young boy crying as he gather that contents of his school bag that had been scattered all over the playing field while enduring that stinging taunts and laughter of the ones who put them there. He shook his head, trying to stop the memory from replaying in his head. Why was he thinking of that now? This was different right? The promise didn’t cover this, did it? But the longer he stood there and watched her, he became more convinced that it did. Slowly, his legs began to move in the direction of the sorority lawn. “No!” a small part of his mind screamed. “Think about what you are doing!” But his feet wouldn’t listen. They walked him straight through the gate and up to Cassie’s things. He was close enough to hear her small sobs, which nearly overwhelmed him with the potent memory in his mind. The rest of his body followed the rebellion. His waist bent over and his had reached down to a shining object in the grass. It was a golden picture frame with a picture of Cassie and another brunette girl, who he had seen her with sometimes. He straightened himself up and looked at her. She still hadn’t seen him yet, too busy with gathering his things. A bubble formed in his chest, travelled up his throat and came through his lips. “Here” He said, holding out the picture in his hand.

Oh, and by the way, I started a word war with one of my fellow carinanos!! Her username is LaniLani. You could check out status here.

Yes, I am currently winning...I think..

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