Friday, October 29, 2010


Yes, I realize I didn't post yesterday. I got so caught up in what I was doing that I forgot. 0_0. Sorry!!

Prompt: I never really understood the phrase 'as cute as a button'.
Time: 10 mins
Word Count:344
I never really understood the phrase 'as cute as a button'. Why were the buttons cute? Because they were round? No, that doesn’t make sense. How do you even define cute overall? All this was going though my head as she walked pass the café window. “Yeah, boy. That was a reall bess song. Bruno Mars could rite chutney if he want, ent? Yeah, he ha de….” Richard stopped in the middle of his sentence and looked and what must have been the completely dreamy expression on my face. He followed back to the girl outside the window and gave a low whistle. “Aye, boy. Stop staring down the bess thing nah man. Yuh looking obvious.” I turned to him and stupsed. “I not staring she down. I jus lookin.”
“Yeah, dais what yuh go tell de police when they hole yuh fuh stalking.” The girl turned and walked into the café and joined the line at the cash register, my eyes following her every inch of the way. I wandered if Richard was right, and this did count as stalking. “Well if yuh fine she so bess then go and talk tuh she nah.”
“Who me?” I turned to ask him. “I don’t talk good with people. I like how my foot does taste, cuz I does keep putting it in meh mouth.” I turned back to look at the girl waiting in line. “Besides, yuh ain’t see the kinda girl she is. White skin with Gucci handbag and gold jewelry to match. She probably from Westmorrings or foreign. She ain’t want nothing to do with a poor joe like me. She probably dating the prince of France or sumn.”
“Buh France doe have no prince.”
“Yuh know what ah mean man. Me and she? That never happening. Not at all.” By now the girl was at the front of the line, ordering what she wanted. It was probably some kinda of expensive coffee or something, though I couldn’t imagine what could possibly make her want to come to a place like this.

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