Monday, October 11, 2010

Good Days

Taylor Swift, one of my favorite singers, has a song called “Today was a Fairytale”. While my day didn’t exactly display the hallmarks of a fairytale, it was pretty awesome all the same.

I guess you could say that it actually started last night. I successfully finished my Bible study preparation the night before, and I had posted a link to my blog on Kimmi Smiles’ wall. I got a really good night’s sleep.

I woke up at a pretty normal time and caught a ride to school with my mom. While in school, I checked my blog stats, and found that I had a blog view from Australia, on the exact same post that I had linked the night before! My day went uphill from there. I found out that we once again had a working vending machine in the undercroft, found a cheaper way to print all of the scripture sheets for Bible study succeeded in actually studying Work Study. I had a wonderful Bible study, that finished right on time, so that I could get to class just as it started, without missing anything.

I would have thought that the good luck would have ended there, but it didn’t. I went to Solid Works, got paired with Justin, the drawing genius of the class, finished the tutorials before the teacher did (with Justin’s help of course) and even figured out something he couldn’t! And on my way home I got call saying that I was selected to chair the next IVCF general meeting.

Now I know that these things don’t seem horribly exciting. In fact you may be thinking “What the hell is this guy babbling about?”. But it doesn’t take winning a million dollars or hooking up with a uber hot girl to make a day awesome. It’s the little things that make life sweet. Like today.

So that’s pretty much it. No life lessons today. Just pretty happy to be happy. Let’s hope tomorrow follows suite.

I hope you guys are happy too. See you tomorrow!! :)

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