I have this friend on Facebook who has a really nasty habit. A great deal of his photos are pictures that insult and poke fun at other peoples beliefs. There are no subtleties or misinterpretations about them. They are just blatantly insulting. When asked about it, the person usually responds with lackluster answers like “It’s just of for fun” or “No real harm done”.
You see that? That is wrong. Really, really wrong. Not everyone in life is going to believe the same thing you believe, and yes, a lot of things that other people believe may seem downright stupid. But that still doesn’t give you the right to make fun of it. It’s a selfish, immature and hateful thing to do.
Saying that there is no harm done is a downright lie. Almost every single war that ever was waged started because someone didn’t pay the due respect to someone else’s beliefs, be it political or religious. Pictures on Facebook may not start a national war, but it may cause friction among friends, fights, hurt feelings and broken friendships. For some thing that is supposedly ‘harmless’ disrespecting someone’s point of view can do much damage. And something like this can never be just for fun. There is nothing to ‘LOL’ at when you are hurting someone’s feelings. True, their beliefs may mean nothing to you. Why should you care? Look at it this way. Your loved ones mean nothing to them. How would you feel if someone posted pictures making fun of you mother, or sister or significant other? Imagine it for a minute. You see that rage and anger you feel? That’s how people feel every time you post another picture or link that makes light of the things that they hold most dear.
Yes, you have the freedom speech, and yes it’s ok to criticize someone’s point of view. There is nothing wrong with saying that you think that someone’s beliefs are wrong and then going on to say why it is wrong. Criticism can be constructive and it can help both parties learn. Belittling someone’s else stance on things that are of utmost importance to them profits no one. They get angry and you don’t grow from it. In fact, it tears down who you are as a person. So the next time you decide to upload a picture,or link that clearly degrades something that people may hold close or even ‘like’ or comment on such a link or comment, on a a public forum like Facebook, think about how you would feel it it were you. I’m sure you’d find that the joke’s not as funny when it’s on you.
p.s I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but it just had to be said.
hmm ... im playing detective and trying to figure out who's the culprit