Before I started this blog, I was really scared, and sometimes, I still am. Why? Because I was afraid that no one would read what I wrote that I would be an epic failure and possibly a laughing stock. Every logical impulse in my mind screamed for me to stop before I went too far and made a complete and total fool of myself. But against my better(?) judgment, I went ahead and started writing. And its been going pretty good so far. But to do this I had to step out of my comfort zone.
The comfort zone isn’t all bad. If we never had a comfort zone, we’d go through life living on edge, never able to relax, always worried about tomorrow. It keeps us safe from out baser instincts and allows us to be normal civilized human beings. It saves us from insanity. The danger in our comfort zone usually breeds a dangerous enemy: complacency. We get accustomed to the life we have. We know what we are going to do tomorrow and the day after that. Our lives are good, we are happy and we think that this is way it should be. And then complacency takes us and swallows us whole.
Risks take us out of our comfort zone. It stabs complacency in the chest and makes it writhe in pain. But since it’s already bonded to our comfort zone, the pain it feels gets transferred to us. The same safety system that protects turns around and begins attacking our decisions. It lies to us and tells us that what we are doing is wrong, and that we should stop now before we cross the line of no return. And sometimes – most of the times – we listen. We stop what we are doing and fall right back into complacency’s waiting jaws.
But our world is kinetic. It thrives on movement. The greatest of discoveries humanity has even made and the best of experiences ever had come from men who were told that they were ‘crazy’. But the didn’t care. They stuck that knife into complacency and walked on. We can never move sitting in our comfort zone. We can never go anywhere. We need to break it up and move forward. And you know what? As we move forward, we create a new comfort zone, one that we never thought possible. Of course not all risks end in success. But I think you would find that that great majority of them do.
I took a risk and stepped out of my comfort zone to begin writing this blog. Did I succeed? Well, you’re reading this, aren’t you? I guess I didn’t make a complete fool of myself.
Until tomorrow!! Bye!!
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