Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mythical Creature Saturday- Dullahan

I actually finished this post ahead of time! Yay for being proactive! Anyway, on to today’s mythical creature: The Dullahan. Ever heard of it? No? Ever heard of The Headless Horseman? Yes? Then you have an idea of what a dullahan is.

What is a Dullahan?

A dullahan is traditionally portrayed as the headless rider of a large black horse. It carries its head under it’s arm or on its saddle brow. The head has massive eyes that constantly dart from side to side. Its mouth is usually curve into a large hideous grin which reaches from ear to ear. The head is said to have the color and texture of moldy cheese or stale dough. The dullahan also carries a whip made out of a human spine which is used to control the horse. In some legends the horse has flaming eyes and it moves so fast that the friction it creates sometimes sets the grass alongside the road it travels on fire.

Dullahan Origins

The Dullahan (or the Gan Ceann as it is call here) originates from Irish folklore where it is a member of Useelie (meaning “Unholy” or “Unblessed”) court of fairies. These fairies were usually evil and attacked humans without provocation. Another origin story comes from the Arthurian legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Ghost. Here the dullahan appears as a hostile, green ghost of a knight, determined to kill Gawain, after which he is struck headless by the knight. A third legend relates that the dullahan is in fact the Celtic fertility god Crom Dubh, who demanded human sacrifices every year. When Christian missionaries came to Ireland, they denounced this type of worship and it fell out of practice under their influence. Crom Dubh, not to be denied his share of souls, became a dullahan or ‘far dorocha’ , which translates to Dark Man. All these stories are what inspired “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”.

Dullahan Abilities

A dullahan is usually as a bringer of death. Wherever it stops, a person is due to die there. Also, if its head were to call out the name of a person, that person will immediately die. They also have the ability of supernatural sight, as they can see miles when they lift their heads aloft. They do not wish to be seen when on their rides, so they usually throw a basin of blood at any observers or whip their eyes out with a human spine. It is also impossible to block a dullahan as any gates or locks in their pathway open on their own accord to let it through. Some stories give the dullahan special powers such a magic swords or the ability to breathe fire out of their heads. Some variations include the dullahan being an animated suit of armor. One special variation occurs in the anime Durarara!!, where one of the main characters is a female dullahan who doesn’t ride a black horse, but instead rides–get this- a black motorcycle!! I dare you to tell me that the Japanese aren’t awesome!

How to defeat a dullahan

Despite being all kinds of powerful, dullahans are afraid of gold. As little gold as a gold pin causes the dullahan to disappear into a large roar of wind.

Why dullahans are awesome.

1) They can’t be killed. Ever. Even though they can be chased away, they live forever.
2) They travel at such incredibly speed that they cannot be outrun.
3) Their enhanced sight allows them to see their target from miles away.
4) They can throw their heads at people. That’s awesome right there.

Why dullahans suck.

1) They are afraid of something a common as gold. Seriously, gold? Here’s uberly powerful creature that you can defeat with bling.

I think dullahans are pretty awesome, apart from their one really crappy weakness. What do you think? Leave a comment to tell me.

See you guys tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. well done post.. informative yet captivating.
    umm, i don't blog much but from the number of posts i see on your blog.. err.. how should i put it.. Greetings Senior!! :)
