Thursday, September 23, 2010

Keep Smiling

Now anyone who has read my very first post knows that I’m a big fan of Kimmi Smiles. She’s funny, beautiful and partially responsible for my inspiration to create this blog. Anybody who watches her videos knows that she’s a cheerful, upbeat and an all-round happy person. But I’d often ask myself, how could someone be so incredibly happy? We live in a harsh, mean and uncompromising world. No matter how hard we try, bad things are going to happen to us. We can be happy now, but something will come up and rob us of it. It never lasts. So why be so happy at all?

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one to wondered that. So in a short note, Kimmi answered the simple question of “Why are you so happy?” with an equally simple answer: “Just because.” Why not be happy? Here’s a short excerpt from the note:

“There is no point to getting stressed out, worried, sad, angry, jealous, annoyed and so on. Of course we can’t control these emotions, but I personally believe there is a positive side to everything that happens.”

And you know what? She is absolutely right.

This morning, I re-read yesterday’s post, and yes, I do feel stupid. Why should I be mad that I have to stay up and write a blog post? You guys keep coming here everyday and keep reading what very well maybe the ramblings of a crazy guy. No one pays or forces you to read them, but you still do it. And then you come back to tell me how wonderful you think my writing is. You guys make me happy. So why should I be mad? I shouldn’t. It may make me unhappy if I have to stay up an extra half an hour, but the happiness I draw from your support clearly outweighs any ill feeling. That’s a clear positive right there.

So if you guys are reading this and you’re harboring some negative emotion, let it go and look for the positive. There always is one. Pain and suffering cannot exist without joy and happiness. Sometimes it's hard to see the positive, but just knowing that it's there help a lot. If you ever feel down and out, try doing this: Think about some time in the past when you were happy and remember how you felt. Then think that no matter how hopeless your current situation may seem, you’ll feel that way again one day. That always cheers me up. Our life is too short to waste it being gloomy.

If you want you could read the full note here.

So I’ll see you guys tomorrow. And like Kimmi says : Keep smiling :)

1 comment:

  1. where can i find the full note? cause there are thousands of posts in her tumblr? :D
