Monday, February 7, 2011

Long Lost Friendships

I found it rather annoying that sometimes, when I scroll through my phone book that there are several numbers that are utterly useless to me. I know I don't need them, but I think "Ehhh...maybe someday it'll come in handy", and so I pretty much leave them there. Well today, I finally decided to get rid of them and free up some of the meager memory that there is on my phone.

As I went through the numbers, I came across several familiar names, and remembered several faces. Like the girl who coined me the nickname "Snowflake", despite the fact that I'm probably the blackest guy she knows. Or that guy who I befriended during the numerous lesson classes I attended. The girl who I befriended during CYSF, the one who I think cried way too much for someone who is that beautiful. The twins that I've known ever since I was five, who have been in every single class with me in primary school, and in high school as well. The first girl I befriended on my very first day of Form Six. The dude who I hung out with when I repeated Form Six because all of my other friends had gone off to college. The girl who was my absolutely best female friend in primary school, who has changed so much (for the better) that I barely know her anymore. These and many many others.

I usually smile to myself when I hear people talking about cellphone addiction. I pride myself in the fact that all I need to get me through the month is a bare minimum pre-paid card. I usually only ever use my phone to call me parents, or my friends when I need to find out something from them, or the rare occasion where I text someone to tell them Happy Birthday. I think I'm pretty good to have avoided addiction to a cell phone. But I remember there was I time when I used to use my phone a lot. When I would call my friends and talk for hours, for no reason than just wanting to talk to them. The days when I'd need at least 3 prepaid cards a month, and when I actually paid attention to all the calling plans that the phone company advertised. I don't remember when those days stopped. All I know now is that they're not there anymore.

So I'm going to change all that. I know that everyone is a lot busier now than they were back then, and maybe they too don't like using their phones anymore, but I have way too many friends and way too many memories to turn my back on them. I plan to call every single person in my phone book who I haven't spoken to in a long time, even if it's just for a minute to see what's up. I know some people may find it weird, but I feel that I can't let these bonds go cold. And there is Skype and Facebook and Messenger and a host of all other connecting mediums that I can use.

I'm off on an adventure to rediscover long lost friendships. Care to join me?

I almost forgot. I started the new Christian blog I was talking about. You can see it here!
Christian Engineering
It's pretty bare now, but I'll be putting up some stuff soon.

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