Lets take the science side. The extremists' on this side major claim as to why religion is bad and not to be regarded alongside science is that science more or less disproves many things that religion claims is true. For example, today I came across and article about a 34,000 year old bacteria found in California. I saw one person say that now the Young Earth creationist had nothing to say to this discovery since it clearly disproves their belief that God created the world between 6 to 10 thousand years ago. Here's the problem with that statement. No one believes in Young Earth creationism without believing in a religion, namely Christianity. And seeing as how Christianity concerns talking snakes, parting seas and resurrection from the dead, it's pretty safe to say that everything in religion isn't based on science. Yes there are parts that agree with some scientific theories and some parts that can be reasoned out, but not everything can be. Religion is at least part supernatural and the supernatural is based on faith. I believe in Young Earth creationism solely because of my religion. Religion aside, I believe that theistic evolution is the most plausible scientific theory.
And the religious side, people claim that everything that science finds that does sum up exactly to the Bible is wrong and sometimes even claim that their discoveries are tricks from the Devil, which to be honest with you is quite stupid. If it weren't for scientific discoveries, I wouldn't be here typing this. In fact we would be able to do a lot of things. Many of the discoveries that are claimed to be of the Devil are what we live off of today. Science is as accurate as humanity can get to finding answers to the questions around them. Science is based on observation and application and is therefore physical. It cannot and will not measure the supernatural, and if science doesn't match up with the Bible, it doesn't mean that science is wrong. That's just not what science is for.
I guess the real problem with both sides is assuming that they are right and only they are right. They fear that admitting that the other side is right would make them look wrong or weak. It's not true. Science and religion play an extremely large part in or civilization and if they were to work in harmony, I am very sure that we would have far greater achievements and a far better world. Try to be more open-minded. You'll find that you'll learn a lot without having to give up what you believe. And is the scientific maestro Albert Einstien once said:
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
Science and faith should go together. Just like the "The Script" album shows.
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