Maggie put her fingers at her temples, trying to massage away the migraine she could feel coming on. Cassie was sitting across from Seth again, the two of them strangely resembling two wrestlers before a big bout. Rei was standing the corner of the empty classroom, with an oblivious expression on her face. Cassie had come to school looking like a thundercloud before she came to the meeting. What after had happened to her to make her act that way made her snap continuously at during the meeting and seeing as how there was no one on the world who could piss Seth off like Cassie could…well, now you get why she had a headache.”Guys!” she shouted, holding her hands up like a referee. Cassie’s and Seth’s murderous glares moved from each other and locked on her. “Yikes!” she thought to herself. She steeled her nerves. Since the first meeting she had found out exactly why the two of them hated each other. “Yes Cassie, I understand that you’re gay and, yes Seth, I get that you’re Christian and that the two of you don’t like each other very much. But could the both of you please forget those things when you come to our class meetings? You both want to pass the course with a good grade, right?” They both nodded slowly. “Then why don’t you work towards this common goal instead of fighting over all the other stuff?”
“I would if Seth would stop trying to influence the group with his ideologies.” Said Cassie, making air quotes when she said ‘ideologies’.
“I would too, if Cassie would act like a regular human being. But I guess that’s what happens when you go against nature. You get messed up!” Seth snapped back.
“Oh boy.” Maggie thought worried. She could feel the headache coming on with a renewed vigor. If honey wasn’t working, then she’d have to use vinegar. “Listen! As group reader I have to give a rating for each of the group members. Do want me to give you a bad rating? Because I assure you that it would lower you already very low grade we’d get for this course if you continue at this rate!” Seth and Cassie still glowered but it lessened. She breathed a sigh of relief. That had seemed to calm them down. “And Rei?” she said looking at the standing in the corner. She was staring at Seth again with the creepy look on her face. “Jin!” she shouted snapping her out of her trance. Rei looked startled. “Try to...just try to pay attention.” Rei nodded. “So are we all going to agree and work on this project together?” she asked emphazing on the last word. They all nodded collectively. “Whew!” she breathed. She could feel the headache subsiding and a twinge of pride swelling in her chest. She’s just successfully navigated a crisis as a leader. She gave herself a pat on the back.
Note: Yeah, Rei is a new character as well. I'm only going to be post small parts, not in chronological order, since it's not very wise to upload your entire novel online.
See you tomorrow!!
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